Guided by our vision, we endeavor to become a community deeply rooted in Jesus Christ,
authentically living our religiouscommitment as women of prayer, solitude, communion and service.
Conscious of our prophetic role as servant- leaders, we will walk in the truth as we pursue
justice, peace, social transformation and integrity of creation.
As compassionate Christ centered:
Teachers, we will form Christ- centered, integrated, competent, responsible persons in
the service of the Church and the society.
We, Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartes, are an apostolic religious community in the Church. We
participate in the her mission to proclaim Jesus Christ, the Good News, to all, with conscious preference for the most neglected.
Impelled by the charity of Jesus Christ, we respond to the needs of the people and of the times for
integral evangilization as compassionate teachers, healers and pastoral ministers.